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Center for MJHS Compliance

The compliance division of MJHS exists to ensure that the organization follows all government rules, regulations and industry standards. This includes training and education, as well as prompt follow-through on all compliance-related concerns. MJHS has a strict policy of non-retaliation against any individual who reports a compliance concern in good faith. Any vendor, employee, patient, resident, client, board member or family member who reports a concern need not fear retribution.

Code of Conduct

At MJHS, our code of conduct is public and based on our organization’s long legacy of caring — for each other and for those we serve. The MJHS Code of Conduct is based on our core values: commitment, caring, respect, excellence, honesty, accountability, sustainability and leadership. Click here for access to the official Code of Conduct booklet.

Reporting a Compliance Concern

To report a concern, you have three options:

  • Submit your question/concern electronically here – To ensure confidentiality, the Hotline is operated by a third-party vendor.
  • Call the anonymous MJHS/Elderplan Compliance and Privacy Hotline at 1-855-395-9169
  • Contact our MJHS Compliance Officer, Candice Weatherly, at 718-759-4260 or [email protected].